I keep getting interupted while working on this one. And I just don't feel a stick-to-it-ness about this thing. Tagging I think is great. People should be able to organize information in ways that make sense to them. Duh. But then there are also people who will tag everything so that they fit into certain categories, like me. My cell groups: family, friends, work, other. That's all I need to keep myself organized, especially since I know what information I have entered. My LibraryThing tags: children's, teen, romance, fairytale. The group of everything else is small enough for me to manage.
The problem with tags is that most people probably don't do it with other people in mind. Look under "interesting" in del.icio.us and you'll find lots of crap that isn't interesting at all. This is why I don't think that tags or folksonomy should be the only way of organizing information that is meant to be accessible to everyone, like a library catalog. It might be a nice way to supplement a catalog with more user-friendly language, but it shouldn't be the only organizational system. LC still rocks!
The problem with tags is that most people probably don't do it with other people in mind. Look under "interesting" in del.icio.us and you'll find lots of crap that isn't interesting at all. This is why I don't think that tags or folksonomy should be the only way of organizing information that is meant to be accessible to everyone, like a library catalog. It might be a nice way to supplement a catalog with more user-friendly language, but it shouldn't be the only organizational system. LC still rocks!